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Support for your special needs child.


We help families develop a comprehensive plan for their children to be as successful as possible using a knowledgeable and compassionate approach.

Image by Nathan Anderson

As a parent to a child with disabilities, you wear so many hats. You’re the expert on your child, but navigating the education and disabilities services system is a full time job. And the isolation is real.


You don’t have to do it alone.

We can help.

You can be confident, equipped and supported as you support your child – throughout their school years and into adulthood.



Image by sofatutor

Educational Advocacy

We support families with 504 plans and IEPs in getting the education and services they are entitled to.

Transitional Navigation

We help families navigate transitions to independence or semi-independence for their adult child with disabilities.

“When I don't know were to start, Barbara picks right up and leads me to the starting point and is with me every step of the way. Her knowledge, experience, and commitment to her clients is unsurpassed.”
-Kassia Serano

You're doing a

Great Job.

You are your child’s world. But you need support, too. Don’t burn out on the education system. Get expert guidance and another mama bear in your corner.



Barbara Sanchez, M. ED

I am a certified teacher and a special needs parent.  My son was born 10 weeks premature with many health and developmental disabilities. I was very overwhelmed. I struggled to find appropriate services for him.


As time progressed, I met others facing the same problems; no one to help navigate the special needs world. 


Logan is now 22 and embarking on his adult journey. I have learned many things about how to navigate this complex and confusing world of special needs. My passion now is to share what I have learned with you.


My values are honesty, integrity, timeliness and compassion. I look forward to serving you and your family!

“Mrs. Barbara Sanchez of Highest Potentials has been exactly the right person to have as an educational advocate for our son.  As a former classroom teacher, she has the knowledge and expertise to help us navigate the system and know when to push forward and when to pause and reflect.  As the fellow mother of a neurodivergent child, she has also been a compassionate friend and guide for our family on this journey.  Her help and encouragement have been invaluable; I would highly recommend her to anyone seeking assistance."

-Rebecca Martin

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